The market is expected to rally into yearend. The NASDAQ 100 and the technology sectors maintained their relative strength right through the autumn overall market decline. These stocks are expected to maintain this strength through December. Stock selection is a bit difficult because so many of these equities are overvalued and overextended. The recommended stocks below are expected to appreciate due to cycles and relative strength.
The Cycles Research stock screen identifies stocks that are strong both in terms of relative strength and cycles. The 100 top free flow cash generators were analyzed. Synopsys
Synopsys Monthly Expected Return
Synopsys Daily
Synopsys Monthly Cycle
The monthly cycle ascends into January. Technically the stock is strong. Note the upturn in momentum in the weekly graph . Relative strength keeps hitting new highs. The stock appears to be headed over $1050.
Broadcom Monthly Histogram
Broadcom Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Broadcom Monthly Cycle
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